Our Common Roots

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Chad Cornell Bio

Chad Cornell, born in Kenora, Ontario, Canada, has been passionately studying and practicing natural healing methods for the past 20 years.  He holds a great respect for the teachings he has received from healers of Peru, North America, and Asia. He is currently applying timeless holistic methods of healing in a modern urban context in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.  

Chad Cornell graduated from The Wild Rose College of Natural Healing as a Master Herbalist in 2003. He is the founder of The Hollow Reed Holistic Centre and also a graduate of The Ayurvedic Institute. Chad aims to integrate the best of our global healing traditions with emerging scientific discoveries into the very nature of nature in an Integrative fashion. Foundational to the holistic perspective is that disease is rarely simply a physical issue. It is more often a complex dynamic of mental, emotional, and spiritual imbalance resulting from an unbalanced lifestyle, incorrect views, and poor relationships.

Chad is actively involved in educating audiences ranging from medical students, school teachers, private classes, wilderness retreat groups, and apprentices.  His focus of interest ranges from herbalism and natural healing methods to meditation, guided visualization, and a variety of arts and forms of creative expression. Chad and his wife Nancy Hall III our Hollowreed Holistic in Winnipeg.