Copyright © 1990-2023 by Robert Dale Rogers. All rights reserved.
No portion of this book, except for a brief review, may be reproduced, or copied and transmitted, without permission of author. This book is for educational purposes only. The suggestions, recipes and historical information are not meant to replace a medical advisor. The author assumes no liability for unwise or unsafe usage by readers of this book.
(Filipendula ulmaria [L.] Maxim.)
(Spiraea ulmaria L.)
(F. rubra [Hill] B. L. Rob.)
(S. betulifolia Torrey)
(S. lucida)
(S. douglasii Hook.)
(S. douglasii ssp. menziesii)
(S. pectinata [Pursh] Torr. & A. Gray)
(S. alba Du Roi)
(S. splendens Baumann ex K. Koch)
(S. densifora Nutt ex Green nom Filleg.)
(F. vulgaris Moench.)
(S. trilobata L.)
(S. japonica L.f.)
(Astilbe japonica)
(S. x bumalda)
(A. chinensis Maxim.)
PARTS USED - leaves, flowers
Where peep the gaping speckled cuckoo- flowers The Meadow-sweet aunts high its showy wreath And sweet the quaking grasses hide beneath.
There, once upon a time, the heavy king, Trod out its perfume from the Meadowsweet, Strewn like a woman’s love beneath his feet, In stately dance or jovial banqueting.
To nod from banks, from whence depend Rich cymes of fragrant Meadow-sweet; Alas! those creamy clusters lend
A charm where death and ardour meet.
Spiraea is from the Greek SPEIRAIRA, a plant used for garlands; that comes from SPEIROS, meaning twisted, wreathed or spiral. Filipendula is from the Latin FILUM meaning thread, and PENDULUS, for hanging. This refers to the tubers being attached to long thread like roots some distance from the plant base.
Meadowsweet was originally Meadsweet, or Meadwort, referring to mead, or honey wine that it was used to flavour. It was one of the sacred herbs of the Druid.
Ulmaria is from the elm-like leaves. Luetkea is named after Count F.P. Lütke, a Russian sea captain and explorer of the 1800s. Pectinata refers to the leaves that resemble the teeth of a comb.
Dropwort, introduced from Europe, was named, according to Culpepper “because it helps such as piss by drops”.
Dwarf Bumalda Spirea is a chance hybrid of S. japonica (pink flowers) and S. albi flora (white flowers) that occurred in Switzerland.
Queen of the Meadow, or Meadowsweet is common in perennial flower gardens. Its majestic, fluffy flower heads in early summer are a showy, stately sight. Their greenish-white flowers, and leaves fill the air with a honey/almond scent reminiscent of hot summer days.
Meadowsweet was one of the Druid’s sacred plants, along with verbena and water mint. Queen Elizabeth I used to scatter the fragrant flowers over the floors of her private apartment, and was said to rub the plant oil on her body before lovemaking.
Another name, Courtship and Matrimony refers to the two distinct scents of the plant. The fragrant, heady flowers represent courting, while the sharper scent of dried leaves symbolized the reality of marriage.
Gerard, the English herbalist wrote, “the smell thereof maketh the heart merrie and delighteth the senses”. It was one of the fifty plants in the drink called “Save”, as told by the Knight in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales.
Culpepper mentions it for helping break fevers and colds, and when boiled in red wine, stays the ux of the belly.
The Gaelic name means Cuchullain’s Belt, for in myth, the hero, ill with fierce fevers, was cured when bathed with the herb.
In the late 17th century, a woman in Bedfordshire was credited with its use in fevers and agues, combining the herb with green wheat. Various other uses include burns, itching eyes, diarrhea, stomach pain, sunburn and nervousness.
If gathered on Midsummer, it was said to give information about thieves. When placed on water, if it sinks, the thief is male, if it oats a female.
The root has been used traditionally alone or in combination for Bright’s disease and dropsy.
Its cousin, Queen of the Prairie, is slightly smaller, up to 3-4 feet, with sweet scented white to pink frothy flowers. The plants do well in wet soil, even boggy and acidic.
Both the Shining and Narrow-leaved meadowsweet are native to the prairies; the former preferring thin woods and open hills, and the latter, smaller shrub more at home in wet meadows and riverbanks.
Shining Spiraea is known as “little red plant”, and “venereal disease/ maggot plant” by the Thompson/Nlaka’pamux. This is due to its use in treating venereal disease with decoctions of the leaves and branches internally, as well as baths.
Narrow-leaved Meadowsweet (S. alba) was used by the Fox to stop bloody ux; the immature seed heads being specific as a cool infusion.
The Iroquois used the mashed and powdered dried root as part of a compound decoction with yarrow for side pain, and nausea. The Mahuna boiled the roots for coughs and colds. The Ojibway used the root as trap bait, and know it as DEMA’GENE-MINS.
To many natives, the dried leaves of narrow-leaved meadowsweet made the best tasting wilderness tea.
Shining Meadowsweet roots and leaves were decocted by the Shuswap to treat diarrhea and upset stomach.
Some tribes used an eagle bone to help insert root infusions as an enema in various bowel complaints, including bloody stools.
Hardhack or Pink Spiraea seeds were infused by the Lummi for diarrhea.
The dried leaves of meadowsweet contain coumarin, and have been used to give a vanilla like scent to port, claret, and mead. In fact, the common name is believed derived from Meadsweet, rather than a description of locale.
In Europe, the herb is used as natural food flavouring.
The red-flowered Queen of the Prairie root was gathered by natives for heart trouble. It was used as well, as a love medicine, which makes perfect sense.
Its high tannin content gives it astringent action, and combined with natural salicylates, was used to treat arthritis, flu and fever, as well as diarrhea and intestinal bleeding.
Cosmetic companies utilize the plant’s ability to protect against UV exposure. In one trial of have subjects, 50% protection was shown. A fibroblast study also showed significant protection from sun exposure. Another study showed an 88% increase in cell proliferation when treated with 0.01% extracts. Skin respiration was measured using the Warburg Assay, and a Gilson IG-14 differential respirometer, with 10% extracts increasing cellular respiration by 55%.
Meadowsweet extracts are used in several Revlon personal care lotions, tonics and creams.
Pink Spirea is a handsome shrub up to six feet tall, with pink to rose-colored flowers. It loves wet feet and grows aggressively in the right setting.
The Nuu-chah-nulth utilized the wiry twigs to make broom like- implements to gather tubular dentalium shells on the west coast of Vancouver Island. These shells were called Wampum, and used as a form of currency throughout northwest North America.
The Nuxalk used Hardhack branches to make hooks for drying and smoking fish.
The Salish made blades, halibut hooks, and cambium scrapers from the re-hardened wood.
On a veterinary note, studies conducted by Flouvier et al, in Phytochemistry, 1986, indicate that meadowsweet alters the composition and function of bacteria in the colon of animals such that less ammonia is released into the atmosphere and feed conversion is improved.
Adding meadowsweet, 20-30 grams daily in the food of horses, helps reduce inflammation and digestive irritability.
Partridge Foot is a short shrub found in the foothills, north of the North Saskatchewan and Athabasca River in western Alberta.
The Thompson, or Nlaka’pamux used the fresh plant as a poultice on sores. Plant decoctions were given for abdominal pain, and for women suffering from long or excessive menstruation. Its name roughly translates as “sharp leaf”.
Three-lobed Spirea (S. trilobata) is an introduced native of Asia that grows up to a metre with a multitude of flowers in early summer.
Japanese Spiraeas (S. japonica, S. thunbergii and S. prunifolia) are introduced and hardy in gardens and hedges throughout the prairies.
Both the introduced Dropwort (S. vulgaris) and Siberian Meadowsweet (F. palmata) are hardy to -40° C.
Dropwort was considered by Culpepper, a good kidney remedy, the root combined with white wine with a little honey. The doctrine of signatures plays a role here, as the small drop-like tubers represent small piss drops.
“It is also very effectual for all diseases of the lungs, as shortness of breath, wheezing, hoarseness of the throat; and to expectorate tough phlegm”.
On the Isle of Man, the juice is used as rennet for making cheese, and for binjeen. In Sweden, the slightly bitter roots are dried and baked into bread.
In fall, the tubers are dug up and have a pleasant odor, reminiscent of neroli, and a sweet taste similar to hazelnuts but with slight bitterness. In spring they are very bitter.
If made into a fresh fall root tincture, it gives a dark red tincture with starch deposit.
The look-alike False Spiraea (Sorbaria sorbifolia) is very hardy to the region, but is not related.
Pink Meadowsweet is restricted to the extreme southwest corner of Alberta.
CONSTITUENTS-F. ulmaria flowers- spiraein (salicylaldehyde) primveroside (3.47%), monotropitin, gaultherin, methyl salicylate, salicin, salicylic acid, spirein, isosalicin, anthocyanin and heparin.
flowering tops- spiraeoside (0.71%) and hyperoside ( 0.58%) are the main flavonoids; as well as rutoside, avicularoside, quercitin 4’-0-beta-D-glucopyranoside, and kaempferol-4-’-0-beta-D-gluco-pyranoside. Small amounts of chalcone, phenylcarboxylic acid, coumarin, citric and ascorbic acid, as well as volatile oils. Tannins, mainly hydrolysable, compose about 10-20%, mainly rugosins A,B,D, and E, gallic and hexahydroxydiphenic esters of glucose. Various trace minerals include iron, sulphur, calcium and silica. Leaves also contain catechols.
The chief components salicylaldehyde and methyl salicylate are derived after dehydration. The main phenolic glycoside is spiraein, which is the primeveroside of salicylaldehyde. Polyphenol content of owers is 165 mg/g.
Also includes hexa-hydroxydiphenic acid esters of glucose.
leaves and stems- coumarin and other flavonoids; as well as monotropitin (methyl salicylate primveroside).
roots- tannins, mainly rugosin-D.
S. douglasii- various salicylates including salicin, gaultherin and spiraein, tannins mucilage, avonoids, gallic acid, and essential oils.
S. japonica root- spiramines A, B, P, T, Q, W and U, spiridine F.
Queen of the Meadow is well known in herbal literature. Its cool, dry properties have been used traditionally for analgesic and diuretic purpose.
It is rich in organic silica, like horsetail, and is therefore of use in all kinds of connective tissue weakness, and inflammation; including cellulitis.
Queen of the Meadow is analgesic, due in part, to its content of salicylate compounds.
In fact the name aspirin is derived from the plant, and was first discovered in Spiraea, the plant’s former botanical name. It was first isolated from the flower buds in 1838, by an Italian professor Raphael Piria; and then synthesized by the German Felix Hoffman for Bayer fifty years later.
Unfortunately, salicylic acid caused so much gastric discomfort and nausea, that the drug acetylsalicylic acid was developed, “a” for acetyl, and “spirin” from Spiraea.
Methyl salicylate is found in the flowers and stems, but not in the leaves, as monotropitin, a primeveroside of methyl salicylate.
It is probable that spiraein and monotropitin are converted into salicin in the stomach or small intestine, and then into saligenin and then oxidized to salicylic acid in the blood and liver, but this has not been totally proven. The mechanism for salicin from Poplar and Willow is similar.
Meadowsweet shows anti-ulcer effects against aspirin and ethanol, but not histamine induced ulcers; suggesting the phenolic glycosides and volatile oil are not exerting exactly the same effects as other salicylates. Work by Yanutsh et al, Farmatsevtychnyi Zhurnal 1982 37 studied the anti-ulcerative action in some detail.
Meadowsweet extracts inhibit complement activation and T cell proliferation, as well as modulatory activity towards parts of the cellular immune system. Beside salicylates, the plant contains flavonoids which have much more significant anti-inflammatory effects. The diethyl ether root extracts were the most potent at inhibiting lymphocyte proliferation. Halkes et al, Phytotherapy Research 1997 11:7.
Calliste et al, J Agric Food Chemistry 2001 49 showed that meadowsweet possesses high anti-oxidant activity, using grape seed as a reference. It showed anti-proliferative effect on B16 melanoma cells. Follow up work by Kähkönen et al, J Agric Food Chem 2003 47:10 confirmed the anti-oxidant effect attributed, in part, to phenolic content.
Quercitin from this herb inhibits protein kinase the best of 81 plants tested. Galkin et al, Nat Prod Commun 2009 4:1.
It is therefore good in fevers and inflammations causing pain such as acute and chronic rheumatism, articular rheumatism, tendinitis, gouty arthritis; and in conditions of water retention. Scientific evidence shows that the plant’s active principles help promote excretion of uric acid.
The plant is a balancer of stomach acidity, reducing when necessary and increasing when deficient.
It is often combined with other gentle stomachic herbs for this purpose, such as peppermint or pineapple weed. At least one study has shown salicin to reduce blood sugar levels.
For individuals taking antacids, combine the herb with mallow, and gold thread.
Thomas Garran, in his excellent book, puts this herb into proper perspective with regards to stomach problems.
“Chronic (and, to a lesser extent, acute) inflammation of the gastric mucosa damages the tissue, which can lead to a variety of problems.
In the stomach, the first sign is a reddening and edema of the tissue with adherent mucus and potentially, erosions and bleeding. As the condition becomes chronic, there is atrophy of the glandular epithelium with loss of the parietal and chief cells, leading to decreased production of HCL, pepsin and intrinsic factor.
In such cases, meadowsweet’s anti-inflammatory and astringent properties cool the tissue while gently toning with a mild astringent action. Toning the tissue and reducing inflammation results in proper blood and lymphatic ow, thus encouraging healing and correct functioning of the organ”. Well put!
The flower extracts have been shown to fight bacterial infections of the urinary tract, such as Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli, according to studies by Catanicin-Hintz, Clujul-Medica 1983. It works well for frequent, painful and small voiding of urine associated with damp heat of the bladder, the perfect condition for microbial growth.
Meadowsweet flower extracts have been found to inhibit Staphylococcus epidermis, Proteus vulgaris, Shigella, Bacillus subtilis, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Diplococcus pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Rauha et al, Int J Food Microbiol 2000 56:1 found meadowsweet, fireweed, cloudberry and raspberry herbs had the greatest effect on inhibiting bacteria.
Meadowsweet tea is useful in cases of red, sandy deposits in the urine, with an oily lm on the surface, as well as uric acid removal.
Meadowsweet is a safe gentle and quick acting remedy for childhood diarrhea, due to its cool and bitter nature.
Adults with abdominal pain, anal burning or itching, desire for cold beverages and blood tinged urine will also bene t.
Meadowsweet is a useful cardiotonic, with help in hypertension and arteriosclerosis, and other signs of heat from the heart such as blotching and redness of the face.
Work by Bespalov et al in 1992, and Paresun’ko et al, in the following year, indicates that meadowsweet administered to rats can suppress certain kinds of tumours, including brain and spinal cord. It also helps to inhibit cervical and vaginal cancers in mice and humans. Women systemically treated with an ointment for cervical dysplasia showed benefit. Rugosin, for example, shows anti-tumour activity against sarcoma 180.
Peresun’ko et al, Vopr Onkol 1993 39 found flower preparations useful for treating precancerous changes and prevention of uterine and cervical cancers. A 67% drop in dysplasia occurred and no recurrence was found in 10 subjects after one year.
In France, the herb is used as a diuretic and diaphoretic (depending on temperature), as well as headaches and toothache pain. In Belgium, meadowsweet is used for painful articular conditions.
The leaves help soothe the sympathetic nervous system; while the flowers have also been shown to exhibit anti-ulcer, diuretic and sedative properties.
Topical administration of the flowers has been shown to decrease squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix and vagina. Application of an ointment was shown to increase regression of cervical dysplasia in 32 of 48 patients. Peresun’ko et al, Voprosy Onkologii 1993:39.
Heparin, from the flowers, shows some similarity to heparin of animal origin. Kudriashov et al, Izv Akad Nauk SSSR Biology 1991 6. Both the flowers and seeds show anti-coagulant and fibrinolytic activity in vivo and in vitro. Liapina et al, Izv Akad Nauk Ser Biol 1993 4.
Work by Halkes et al, Pharm Pharmacol Lett 1997 7:2-3 found strong complement inhibition from the flowers, suggesting immune regulating activity.
The flowers treat histamine-mediated symptoms such as allergies and stomach ulceration. Nitta Y et al, Food Chem 2013 138:2-3 1551-6.
The root has some effect on treating fevers; and due to the high levels of tannins is good for treating diarrhea, including infectious diarrhea like Shigella helping stop bleeding.
It is gentle enough for children, and yet is deep acting. Use it for intestinal infections in children where there is pain and general toxicity.
Like Water Avens, it contains elastase-inhibiting activity.
The fresh rootstock and the rubbed leaves are quite different. The “scent” is like a dental clinic, and the avor of cheap chewing gum.
Meadowsweet extracts have been shown to lower vascular permeability, relax muscles, increase bronchial tone in cats, decrease bronchial spasm induced by histamine in guinea pigs, increase tone in vitro of guinea pig intestine and rabbit uterus, and potentiate narcotic action. Barnaulov et al, Pharmakil Toxicol (Moscow) 1980 43.
The same author found the anti-ulcer activity associated with the flower extracts also prolonged life expectancy in mice in study.
The leaves of F. rubra and flowers, leaves and stems of S. alba, show activity against Staphylococcus aureus. Borchardt et al, J Med Plants Res 2008 2:5.
Hardhack fresh flower tincture is useful for treating headaches and mild to moderate muscle pain.
An infusion of dried leaves will relieve diarrhea as well as menstrual pain and heavy bleeding. It may also relieve morning sickness in some cases.
The dried bark and flowers can be ground into powder and put in “00” capsules to strengthen the kidneys and decrease incontinence.
The dried root is decocted to reduce fevers and as a digestive aid.
Japanese Spiraea shows activity against both gram positive and negative bacteria. Water and ethanol extracts of S. thunbergii shows activity against both bacteria as well as mycobacterium.
Li et al, Planta Medica 2001 67:2 found spiramine T from S. japonica root has neuro-protective qualities.
Spiramine Q was examined the previous year, in the same journal (66:3). This diterpene was found to possess potent anti-platelet and anti-thrombotic activity.
Water extracts of S. prunifolia were studied by So-HunTaeg et al, at the Wonkwang University School of Medicine, in Korea.
Their work, reported in Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology 1999 21:2 found extracts exert a direct anti-malarial effect via direct cytotoxicity of nitric oxide, as well as NO mediated modulation of immune functions. Our own species have not been tested.
False Spiraea (Sorbaria sorbifolia) contains a glycoside, avosorbin that is of some interest.
******Pink Spiraea******
Spiraea ulmaria (Hardhack) is for burning and pressure in the esophagus, as it feels contracted but not made worse from swallowing.
It relieves irritation of the urinary tract, and favourably influences the prostate gland; checking gleet and prostatorrhea. It has also been used for eclampsia, epilepsy and hydrophobia.
Hardhack relieves rheumatism that moves from one part of the body to another. It is used for local inflitration in cases of epicondyllitis.
Cramps in exor muscles of forearm when lifting heavy things.It soothes heat and profuse sweating in various parts. It helps relieve the mind of the morbidly conscientious.
Nocturnal feelings of remorse from a slight fault committed long ago. Problems with sexuality, dif culty integrating lower part of body. Immaturity or undeveloped sexuality. Aversion to smoking tobacco. Hot and burning pains in whole body.
DOSE- Tincture and low potencies. The mother tincture is made from the fresh root of F. ulmaria. Bojanus self experimented with tincture of rhizome in 1862. Proving by Schier with ve provers with tincture, 2x and 3x in 1896. Clinical observations by Mangialavori.
CONSTITUENTS- flowers-salicylic aldehyde (36%), methyl salicylate ( 19%), linalool (2.7%), trans-anethole (2.2%), heliotropin ( piperonal), vanillin and beta- ionone (1.8%); over ninety individual constituents in all.
Analysis by Lindeman et al, Wiss Technol 1982 15 of steam distilled owers yielded 75% salicylaldehyde, 3% phenylethyl alcohol, 2% benzyl alcohol, 2% anisaldehyde and 1.3% methyl salicylate. Other analysis show 36% salicylaldehyde and 19% methyl salicylate. Upon distillation, the flowers of meadowsweet yield 0.2% essential oil heavier than water.
Spiraea oil congeals completely at -18°C.
roots- gaultherin, which is acted upon by gaultherase, and yields methyl salicylate. herb- salicylic aldehyde.
The flowers themselves contain no salicylic aldehyde. This is produced by the action of fermentation on an unknown substance during distillation.
Headspace analysis of the living owers reveals a very different composition, with methyl salicylate completely absent, and only 1% salicylate aldehyde. The main component, methyl benzoate, does not occur in steam-distilled oils.
Benzonitrile, with its almond note, and anisaldehyde, with a sweet oral and vanilla like note, are both important parts of meadowsweet flower odour.
The leaf has a somewhat different composition. It consists mainly of salicylaldehyde (68%), as well as minor amounts of alpha asarone 6%, (E)-2-hexenal 4.2%, (E)-3-Hexen-1-ol 6% as well as traces of linalool, nerol, beta ionone, and benzaldehyde.
Radulovic et al, Fitoterapia 2007 78:7-8, found the leaf oil showed activity against a variety of bacteria and fungi. A synergy of constituents was more active than any isolated compound, with zones of inhibition similar to neomycin, gentamicin and nystatin.
Dropwort aerial parts yield 0.1% yellow oil containing 17.9% tricosane, 13.7% salicylaldehyde, 11.9% n-nonanal, 6.8% benzyl salicylate, 6.7% methyl salicylate and 5.2% linalool.
The seed oil contains 17% of a wax with an extremely high melting point (240-260 degrees Celsius), and saponification number of 100.
Seeds from Meadowsweet (F. ulmaria) contain 17% of a drying oil, resembling linseed oil composed of 47% linolenic acid, 16% linoleic, 29% oleic, and less than 8% stearic and palmitic acids. Further study would be useful.
CONSTITUENTS- F. ulmaria- dimethyl sulphide 70%, ethanol 6%, camphor 7%, eucalyptol 3.2% and minor amounts of bornyl formate, isobutanol, and methyl butanols.
The distilled water of the oures dropped into the eies taketh away the burning and itching thereof and cleareth the sight. GERARD
The water thereof helps the heat and in ammation of the eyes. CULPEPPER
The water of the herb and root is for pestilence. BRUNSCHWIG
White Meadowsweet (S. betulifolia) ower essence is for emotional reactivity, and bringing stability to contemplate a situation, and gain broader perspective. Then, wise choices can be made. CANADIAN FOREST
Meadowsweet essence brings confidence back when too much concern over material possessions. MIRIANA
Energy that flows through the body is enhanced by Meadowsweet. This is particularly important on spiritual levels, when energy towards a project is dwindling. This plant has a certain degree of inner or innate intelligence, so it should often be recommended for various herbal blends. At the same time, its angular stems impart the signature of the ability to change direction, to utilize various possibilities in different ways and yet maintain an alignment with the original purpose.
The herb is useful for individuals involved with groups, especially when there is a common energy towards a given project. This is particularly true when it is of a spiritual nature. There is increased ability to be flexible and change direction. This greatly enhances the intuitive process. Many individuals need only to be exposed to other points of view to know that taking new directions is possible.
The gonorrhea miasm is eased. There is some strengthening of the impact of Uranus, particularly as it progresses through the natal chart. When it is negatively aspected, and one is involved in a project of some importance, this herb should be used. GURUDAS
Meadowsweet (S. lucida) is a nurturer like a loving mother. It encourages and is helpful for any kind of nervous condition.
It is useful as a companion herb. It will deepen and broaden the capacity of any herb or substance it is put with.
In bud the big hanging creamy bundles are just bundles of loose-hung granules like farina before it is cooked. They are green and hard swelling slowly to creamy whiteness, each granule bursts and uffs till the bush looks as if were gobbed all over with generous helps of farina pudding. No sooner has Spiraea uffed than the sun begins to scorch it and the owers are burnt and crisped to dark brown. EMILY CARR
In the meadowsweet, the inflorescence in the vicinity of the center shoot is a re ection of Jupiter, similar to the inflorescences of the umbellifers. KRANICH
Russian herbalists often tell the story of a brave knight named Kudryash, the strongest man in the village. One morning he woke up filled with fear of his impending death. He was so fearful that he carefully avoided any confrontations that could lead to a fight. During this time a band of marauding thieves were planning to raid the village. The local people looked to Kudryash for leadership.
Ashamed of his fear and feeling powerless against the band of thieves, Kudryash could not sleep nights. One morning he went to the river to drown himself but came upon a beautiful girl instead. In her hand was a garland made of meadowsweet owers. She told him to wear it for protection. Later that day he fearlessly lead the villagers into battle and they soundly defeated the invaders. Kudryash was declared the saviour of the village and was celebrated for his courage and leadership by the populace. ZEVIN
INFUSION- leaves and/or flowers- Heaping tablespoon (4-6 g) of dried flowers to one pint of water. Steep twenty minutes. The flowers are nearly twice the potency of the leaves. For myalgia and arthralgia take 2-4 ounces twice daily.
DECOCTION- one cup 2-3 x times daily for diarrhea.
TINCTURE- 2-4 ml three times daily. Fresh flowering herb tincture is prepared at 1:2, the dried at 1:5 and 45% alcohol. For rheumatic pain, take 120 drops 3 times daily.
POWDER- 0.5 teaspoons 3x daily in small amount of water.
BEER- Boil two ounces each of dried meadowsweet, agrimony and dandelion in six gallons of water for one half hour. Strain and add two pounds of sugar and half a pint of barm or yeast. Leave stand for twelve hours in warm place. Bottle when nearly finished working.
HARVEST- The first cutting of Meadowsweet is in flower, but includes leaves with white undersides and stems. A second and even third harvest, depending upon the year, is entirely of leaves that are green underneath and no owers. When making tinctures, make each batch from fresh material and later combine for optimal product.
CAUTION- Do not use if sensitive to salicylates. The German authorities approve of meadowsweet for the common cold.
Maybe, this is just theoretical. If you have asthma, use meadowsweet with caution, due to its ability to stimulate bronchial spasms in some people.