The United plant Savers' Mission
United Plant Savers' mission is to protect native medicinal plants of the United States and Canada and their native habitat while ensuring an abundant renewable supply of medicinal plants for generations to come.
These Are Exciting Times for Herbalists. We are witnessing the art of herbalism rapidly regaining its rightful place in the American tradition of health and healing. However, as herbalism flourishes and winds its way into the "main stream" of America, it is eliciting a unique set of problems and concerns.
Where once herbal enterprises were few and far between, it is now a competitive marketplace which has increased the demand on wild medicinal plant resources. Furthermore, other countries with an uninterrupted tradition of herbalism are experiencing a severe shortage of medicinal plants and look to the North American continent for supplying these herbs. This increased usage along with habitat destruction is causing an ever-increasing shortage of wild plant resources, including some of our most treasured medicinal species.
The work of United Plant Savers involves research, education and conservation of native medicinal plants and their habitats. We hope that you will join us in this worthwhile and important mission. UpS is a 501 (C)3 non-profit organization.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
--Margaret Mead
Thank's to Sara Katz, Erin Mcintosh, Shawn Donnille, Ed Smith, Herb Pharm, Mountain Rose Herbs.