Lesson One - Herbal video series: MASTERS IN MOTION with CHad cornell and robert rogers
Covering plants in their natural environment. In each video, Chad and Robert explore the common and traditional uses of these healing plants. Each plant reference is accompanied with full text followup by Robert Rogers.
Instructors: Chad Cornell M.H. and Robert Rogers AHG
Time: 1 Hour
Topics: Goldenrod, Pineapple weed, Catnip, Couch Grass, Stinging Nettle, Marsh Hedge Nettle, Asparagus, St. Johns Wort, Gravel Root, Joe Pye Weed, Bugleweed
Instructors: Chad Cornell M.H.
Time: 1:50
Vikruti, Tonal Healing, Herbs and Planets, Overcoming Superstition, Healing and The Mind, The Role of an Herbalist, Accessing Local Medicine, Working with Dreams, The Intelligence of Nature, Synchronicity, Learning and the Right Brain, Greeting the Green Community, Meditation on Plants, Using the Imagination, When to Harvest What, Wild Harvesting, Forms of Medicines, Fundamentals of Health and Well Being, The Sound of Healing, The Spirit of Plants, Good Humour, Herbs for Lungs, Discussion on Heartburn, Herbs for Stress.
Lesson Four - The Yoga Of Herbs
YOGA OF HERBS contains many of the most commonly used western herbs with a profound Ayurvedic perspective, explaining their energetics according to a deeper yogic vision. Important Chinese and special Ayurvedic herbs are also introduced from the same point of view. Beautiful diagrams and charts, as well as detailed glossaries, appendices and index are included. The book helps you understand to use hundreds of herbs according to the ancient wisdom of Ayurvedic medicine and its yogic insight.
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FOLLOWUP Reference by robert rogers
In order for herbalists to converse and think about plant energetics, it is important to have a common groundwork of definitions.
Author: Robert Rogers AHG
Herbal Actions And Properties From Adaptogen To Vulnerary
Gathering Medicinal Herbs Harvesting, Organic Herb Farms, Parts Of Plants Used For Medicine Plant, Resources
Herbal Research Recommended Reading
Maya Tiwari, renowned spiritual teacher - Ayurveda pioneer, Vedic scholar, international author, and former top American fashion designer - has touched and healed the lives of thousands of people around the world. A spiritual pioneer, Maya Tiwari serves humanity by awakening the spirit of ahimsa, or harmony, in every person whose life she touches.
Asparagus contains histones, protein compounds believed to act as cell growth normalizers on cancer cell division. This may partially explain the reversal of various cancers, involving cooked asparagus juice.
Asparagine is a strong, persistent diuretic that will give some individuals a violet odour to their increased urine flow. The peculiar smell of asparagus urine is due to the sulphur compound S-methylprop-2-enethioate, a metabolite of asparagusic acid.
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